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News Releases

Prent Introduces Tool Center Of Future

After two years of planning and remodeling, Prent Corporations's new multi-million-dollar Tool Room is absolutely revolutionary. Added are new vertical format mills to machine 63” parts in one set-up. Plus, a Horizontal Machine Center—with servo controlled equipment, logic technology and sophisticated programs—provides a truly 24/7, lights-out, hands-free system for milling tools with the highest accuracy. Nobody in our industry has such an advanced system. For more information contact Jim O'Dierno, Prent COO,

Prent Corporation is the world’s leading designer and producer of custom thermoformed packages for the medical device industry. Headquartered in Janesville, WI, USA—and the winner of 16 WorldStar medical packaging awards—it operates nine Class 8 Clean Room facilities in China, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Denmark, Arizona and Wisconsin.

Media Contact: Vicki Damron;